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Men in Metal Let the Soul Spread Its Wings

You can always rely on Finland’s Inverse records to bring you the most unique shades of heavy metal. Мужчины в металле (Men in Metal), a Russian heavy/power metal band from Yekaterinburg presents the new 10-track album Пусть душа расправит крылья (Let the Soul Spread Its Wings). Don’t be put off by the Russian text. The mix of funk, folk, and shoutalong pop choruses make this one of 2018’s more interesting, and most gun, metal releases.

Even though there are some changes compared to their latest EP  Победа (Victory) , the band remains true to heavy metal traditions, thus having found the unique sound which may be defined as “indie power metal”.

The modern heavy sound combined with the elements taken from the music of the ‘70s characterizes the release - rich vocal harmonies will remind you of such bands as Uriah Heep, Queen or Sweet, and the use of acoustic instruments (particularly, the ukulele) brings a distinctive shade of folk to the music.

Album track list RUSSIAN:

01-Интро (Лирическая застольная)

02-Только ветер

03-Впереди рассвет

04-Над Землей

05-На одном пути

06-Загадки Севера

07-День за днем

08-Настало время

09-Обрывки старых снов

10-Лунная ночь


Album track list ENG:

01-Intro (lyrical drinking song)

02-Only The Wind

03-Dawn Ahead

04-Above The Ground

05-The Same Way

06-Secrets Of The North

07-Day By Day

08-The Time Has Come

09-Scraps Of Old Dreams

10-Moonlight Night




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