Each spring, musical artists from the great Francophone province of Québec descend on the UK to play for British audiences at world-class professional events such as Wide Days, FOCUS Wales and The Great Escape. This May, the next wave of global hit-makers from this remarkable...
Tyler Costolo returns to his Ghost Fan Club project with an aching self-titled EP for Knifepunch Records. Set to be released on July 5, the haunting ‘Shoulders’ single launches today. https://soundcloud.com/ghostfanclub7/shoulders-final-mix-4424/s-Cj70hCWkxrp Florida’s T...
M. Vaughan announces his return with ‘Tire Swing’, the gorgeous lead single from June 14th’s Keep in Touch EP. The single offers the first taste of a record that sees the acclaimed Portugal-via-New York producer moving away from the club and towards the emotional indie roc...