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Jensen Sportag - Pure Wet EP

You’d be forgiven for considering Nashville, Tennessee as something of a musical dead end – when you think of Nashville, you think of country music and not much else. Elvis Craig and Austin Wilkinson, the duo behind Jensen Sportag, might not be about to change this, but their Pure Wet EP certainly goes some way towards suggesting that Nashville has a more varied music scene than many of us would suspect.


Tobacco - La Uti EP

Damn I wish I was cool. I wish I could listen to this E.P. with permission but I can’t, it’s just too cool for me. Maybe in the safety of my headphones I could get away with it, with the volume down so the dirty bass growl doesn’t permeate out into the ether as an annoying tinny sound, then I’d be rumbled. Seriously, this EP is so cool it’s enough to make a white man in his thirties not know how to walk while listening to it, ‘I don’t want to walk in time to the music because that would look tragic, but it’s so close to the tempo of my steps, argghh!”

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