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Album Review: Is Tropical - I'm Leaving

  • Written by  Carris Boast

Is Tropical’s Simon Milner, Gary Barber and Dominic Apa have been away for a while working on their second album I’m Leaving. This album is far from the same bass driven dance songs found on debut album Native, but enhances bass and guitar elements which has lead them to create distinguishing sounds that blend their retro, dance style with progressive guitars; it wouldn't fail to be forgotten in anyone’s record collection and should probably be the catalyst for more air time on the radio.


Is Tropical have made brave moves with this new album, opening with ‘All Night’ and ‘Cry’. Both tracks are infused with a rocky beat, hidden below a rough voice that bellows "tough boy’s do cry"; taking the focus off the electronic undertone.

‘Dancing Anymore’ could have been plucked from Is Tropical’s debut album Native, as its danceable rhythm and highly acquired synthesis reassures you that this still is the band you fell in love with whilst dancing on a table in your mums garden; overhearing them from your neighbour who is that little bit older and cooler than you.

Lovers Cave’ opens with raw, piercing, bolts from a guitar, which battles into melodic chimes and a repetitive chorus in an '80’s rock ballad fashion. I'm Leaving sounds slightly futuristic, slightly retro with Casio like rhythms and off beat synthesis from tracks such as ‘Sun Sun’. The album could have been sampled from any '80’s kids TV show.

‘Sun Sun’ plays with the talk of doing “bad things” in a light and airy fashion, making  it almost humorous;  the lyrics are fueled by intent. The shimmering, electronic tempo is upbeat and lively making it a fun little pop song.

‘Yellow Teeth’ shadows the closing of the album in a mist of hazed guitars, tambourines and a slight feeling of self-doubt in this seven minute love song. A husky voice opens the track into bare open spaces, loaded with sincere lyrics and likable guitar riffs. ‘Yellow Teeth’ is one of their best tracks and is the perfect way to close an album  in a totally different direction to what Is Tropical has previously been before. ‘Yellow Teeth’ is like putting a small love letter on the kitchen table before you leave and head for the door;  it's awkwardly beautiful.

I'm Leaving on a whole sees a once under-spoken band, develop and create an album that will add them to the festival line-ups, bring them in a pleasing crowd and have their album locked-in on  playlists for summers to come.  This album is a bright step into a promising future for Is Tropical.

I'm Leaving is out on May 20 and available from amazon and iTunes.

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