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Album Review: Roomrunner - Ideal Cities

  • Written by  Rob Aldam

Music runs in cycles. While the ‘80s has been re-imagining and re-inventing itself for a whole new generation, Grunge and ‘90s alternative rock has been mostly sleeping. However, with the recent emergence of bands such as Milk Music and California X, it would seem that it’s slowly awakening from its slumbers.


Ideal Cities, the debut album from Baltimore’s Roomrunner, harks back to the golden era of Grunge. Right from the first rumbles, the similarities with Bleach-era Nirvana are stark. Indeed, at times it comes startlingly close to evoking the feeling of that time, but there is one big difference between this and the music of Cobain et al.  There is a distinct lack of despair and anger in this music, the lo-fi vocal delivery is full of verve and intent.

Following on the footsteps of Dave Grohl, Denny Bowen, the former post-punk drummer is the now defunct Double Dagger fronts the taut quartet. Hot on the heels of their impressive Super Vague EP, Roomrunner have taken the sound and production of the era and made something fresh and vibrant. Ideal Cities is not a lazy imitation of the ‘90s, but more of a joyous restoration. Remember when Pearl Jam wore bright clothing? This feels like a celebration and not a funnelling of sadness.

Ideal Cities is laced with the adrenalin-fuelled fuzzy distortion you’d expect. From the opening sortie of ‘Weird’ it breaks down into a melodic steam train, before crashing into catchy up-tempo shout-along chorus. It could have come straight out of a Seattle bands back catalogue. On ‘Duno’ they flirt coquettishly with the sound of Nevermind, whilst album opener ‘Bait Car’ is a guitar-driven cacophony which occasionally lapses into mellower moments.

Roomrunner have produced an album which will transport you back to the heady days of Grunge, eschewing despair and anger in favour of glorious abandon. Their time is now.

 Ideal Cities is out now. 

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