The Weekly Froth! - 20160819
- Published in Columns
The Weekly Froth! A weekly take on six tracks, most of which have recently popped up somewhere in the blogosphere. Bit of a mixed bag with a slight leaning towards house, disco, and remixes, but generally just anything that for some reason tickled the writer’s fancy.
Track of the Week: ‘Wash My Chaka’ Jacques Renault’s Adesse Versions (Kon edit)
It is an edit of Jacques Renault (one of my favs) for Local Talk, which Kon thought he’d sprinkle some Chaka vocals over. No complaining here, as after thirty seconds this one gets into gear in style. There’s a lovely house feel to the dance stuff, and Chaka is strutting her stuff right on top over it, singing that There’s a slight hold at about 1;45, but Renault really wastes no time keeping the energy up with this one, firmly asking the dancefloor people to keep working it as he just goes on. Those vocals, meanwhile, indeed do fit, giving it a high nrg vibe to go with dat house music. At 3:20, then, the beat gets drawn away for a moment, keeping a deep synth sound and some hi-hats before Chaka comes in singing that she thinks she met you Somewhere in my dreams, immediately signalling the return of the beat as well. It’s a dance dance dance thing, with the House music of Renault combined with the disco up vocals by Chaka, giving the dancers this goodie of a track.
‘Believer’ by Dam-Funk (Fingers Deep - Funk remix)
I love the cheeky way the percussion starts. so funky and sexy, it already tells you to huddle up and get down. At about the forty second mark the synths and piano come in, giving it some lounge vibes. It settles the track down a bit, and the lads ride that vibe for a long while. The first major new shift comes at 2:50, where some stabbing synths are introduced, which then get a deeper sound underneath. I love how the soft piano comes floating in at points, providing a nice contrast to the percussion elements that keep on moving down below. At about 5:20 the bass rolls in, giving a bit of that boogie to work up to the next time that piano arrives. Dam-Funk released an excellent album last year, I saw him give an entertaining trip through House music history at Primavera Sound this year, and then there are the tracks he made with Nite Jewel as well. So the man is keeping busy, and busy churning out quality stuff at that. Released by the !K7 label, which knows its good music.
‘Rescue’ (Rayko Boogie Summertime Dancer re-edit)
Rayko, from the get go, gets those summery sounds in for this disco boogie. Soon he adds the percussion and bass as well, and half a minute in it all collides for what really only can be described as good vibes. Then, after a minute, the vocals, lovely cutting through that harsher synth with that honey suckled sweetness. After the first chorus Rayko brings it down, stripping more and more instruments until you basically have a single percussion, the vocals, and a little guitar riff left. At 3:20 the boogie returns, replacing the vocals for a moment before they come back with the chorus line. Everything underneath keeps on rolling as the vocals draw out the plea to Saaaave me longer and longer, before the chorus girls start singing the title line of the track. Just a lovely disco edit, a task which is in safe hands with Rayko for sure.
‘You’re Gonna Love Me’ by B & The Family
Apparently, this is an actual track from the '80s, but never released. The B in the band is Brian Morgan, who recently remembered he had some tracks shelved somewhere and thought, lets give it a whirl. Et voila, here it is, a catchy soul number also thanks to the drums that strut their stuff nicely. Then, the old school R&B vocals, which are helped out by the girls in the back on occasion as she sings that Oeehh, you’re gonna love me. The bass makes sure to be in there to provide some of that base rhythm, and there’s also a bit of that guitar riffing going around (he is, after all, a guitar player, so yeah). But mostly this is a catchy R&B track ol’ style, giving you all those good vibes at that summer cook-out of your dreams.
‘Taking Libz’ by Patrick Topping
Patrick Topping makes sure the beat is understood by all, giving you the marching orders from the get go on this house tune. Then the bass comes in, though it’s the higher pitched sound that dictates this one before it makes way for other fast moving percussion strikes. At the 1:50 mark the beat is taken out for a moment, with the percussion and the frantic synth sounds keeping that punching going on. Then, some deep, male vocals come in to do some talking, though most attention will most likely go out to the return of that beat that immediately follows. Again, at 3:20, a bit of a rest for the beat, and the dancefloor, though there is still the dulled thud of the drum that keeps them hardcore dancers involved. And it is a fast hitting track specifically aimed at that, the 3AM drug infused going of the body, released on the always partying Hot Creations label.
‘Divina’ by Lane 8
Lane 8 starts this one out with a nice main sound which, as the synth atmospherics come in, change to a deeper, more insistent tone (going from an almost guitar sound to a more key heavy feel), basically preluding the beat that is sure to come in. And there it is, after the first minute mark, nice and deep to juxtapose the synths. And this way, a dance feel develops, going for that pandemonium-in-front-of-the-stage feel with this one. A bass sound is added to give it some more rhythm flavor as the drums keep hitting it. Until the third minute mark that is, where only the hi-hats survive to go with the riffing keys and the atmospheric floating sound, which is a bit deeper than the other remaining instruments to provide a nice canvas there. Though that one is an almost tranquil presence, the other sounds keep a certain restlessness in them, signifying that yes, there’s some more dancing to come. And sure enough, at the five minute mark, lets go dancing for one more round.