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The Cavemen - Juvenile Delinquent

  • Written by  Dave Armour

Housed in artwork that could generously be described as rubbish; a rampage of terrific, full throttle, visceral punk n roll aggro from Auckland’s The Cavemen. Featuring an ominous bass  rumble, mangled licks and guitar solos in the red,  and which deserves better in the lyric department than the cartoony obnoxiousness (“get drunk”,” take drugs”, ,”fuck you” et al) that it gets.

B-side ‘Swamp Thing’ (alas not a tribute to Alec Holland), a slow, swampy (you don’t say?) blues reminiscent of Kim Salmon, is less attention grabbing, but after an account of a mysterious liaison in “the Ev-ur-glades”, spews forth a molten, extended guitar coda, displaying such prowess and dexterity (and some nice Wayne Kramer style runs) to again belie the band’s Neanderthal façade.

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