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Book Review : Andy Bollen - Nirvana : A Tour Diary

Despite the title of the book, this diary utters the words 'Nirvana' in a whisper rather than a bawl, which is what you may not be expecting from a book which has lead singer Kurt Kobain plastered on the front cover. For the intents and purposes of this review, the book will be referred to as 'A Tour Diary'; the focus of the text being the honest voice of Andy Bollen, the drummer with Captain America, who supported Nirvana back in the day as they embarked on a tour of the UK and Europe clutching their epic release Nevermind. You can almost smell the sweat and blood as you delve through the pages of Andy Bollen’s tour diary, reviving 90s nostalgia as you pay witness to the rise of the most influential bands that unintentionally shaped and twisted the UK’s music scene.

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