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King Salami And The Cumberland 3 - Tiger In My Tank

  • Published in Singles

Finalists in BBC4’s “Britain’s Best Part-Time Band”, where they “confused” Midge Ure (so probably shouldn’t be expecting the call for the Ultravox support slot), KSATC3’s stagecraft and energy; honed over the past decade,  showed them to be an engaging live act, ideally suited to a suitably uninhibited and/or inebriated audience.

While this doesn’t quite fully translate to home listening, ‘Tiger In My Tank’ is a sax fuelled, lively bluesy dancer featuring purrs that echo Roy Orbison,  (possibly) libidinous innuendo and a fine trebly guitar solo.    

B side ‘Fuel Injection’, a cracking Hot Rod (bordering on surf) instrumental with engine revving sound effects that follows the genre template, (though thankfully avoids the “song title spoken at intervals in a growly voice” cliché), again allowing T .Bone Sanchez to shred away to maximum effect.

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