Yuck, Moth Club, London
- Published in Live
Yuck are bloody cool, and there’s no denying that these Moth Club LP launch shows have been highly anticipated among fans. With the departure of Daniel Blumberg and arrival of new guitarist Ed Hayes in 2013, the past two years have seen a shift in direction for Yuck, a period of anticipation for fans, and with the release of the new album Stranger Things on Friday, an amplified excitement for the gig.
With support from Shark Dentist and Puppy, the beginning of the evening creates a buzz around new music, dismissing all ideas that nothing new is good and building up the perfect atmosphere for the main act.
To say the show was sold out would be an understatement. Rarely do you see people actually spilling out the doors at venues, others having to clamber on tables to get a view. Lots about tonight speaks volumes about Yuck as a band: the sheer amount of people there just the start of it. Very few bands – particularly not massive bands – could saunter on stage almost 45 minutes late and get away with it. Yet with Yuck there seems to be absolutely no bad blood and they get on with the show as though nothing had happened.
Playing through ‘Hold Me Closer’ and ‘Cannonball’ before launching into ‘Get Away’, Yuck proved they know how to work a crowd, and by practically ignoring two stage invaders, prove their completely cool approach to, well, everything. And as the crowd gets progressively rowdier in front of her eyes, her monitor played up and feedback blared through a couple of songs, bassist and vocalist Mariko Doi kept as composed as ever.
Yuck are an odd band to witness live – their offhand, almost too cool to care attitude is one that wouldn’t necessarily bode well for most other bands but musically they’re worlds above anything and else it’s tricky not to find them all slightly charming.