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David Bowie Is : Muso's Guide Goes To The V & A

If we could be heroes just for one day, we would all head to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. In David Bowie is, the V & A has created a startling exhibition in which all aspects of David Bowie’s life are on display. After the man in question surprising us all by releasing a new album, The Next Dayin March, the exhibition sums up our collective love for David Bowie through a fascinating collection of artefacts. And if you were looking for proof of Bowie’s enduring popularity, here it is: online booking sold out before the exhibition’s first day.


Weekly Column - The Hot Five

The Hot Five – My views on five tracks that have attracted my interest in any given week, usually with an older track thrown in the mix for something a bit different. Tracks usually concentrate on guitar-based releases, but really focusing on anything and everything that comes to my attention.


Saturday Soap Box! Bow Down to your New God : How RiFF RaFF Will Rule Hip Hop In 2013

I may be in the minority, but I believe that Harmony Korine’s Spring Breakers will be the most culturally significant film release of 2013, as a result of its staggering depiction of the decadence and decay of the cheddar chasing youth of today. There is one man who will benefit most from Spring Breakers: a man who manages to influence the entire look of the film, from the girls in balaclavas to the white dude in cornrows, and all without even appearing on the soundtrack. And who is this cultural behemoth? Why, that man is a rapper named RiFF RaFF. Mr RaFF has already acknowledged that James Franco’s interpretation of him in the film will make him millions; all he has to do is sit back and let the money drip down. The epitome of passive income.

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